October 9, 2013

8 Secrets Skin Smooth Korean People

Often observed that Korean artists perform with smooth skin, right? It turns out their flawless skin is not just a look at the TV. When a co stroll to Korea and watch the women there, most of the skin is smooth and pretty ones you know. How could you?
For Korean women, skin care is a priority in terms of keeping her beauty, they could spend a long time just to clean the face. There are some discipline is also taken steps to get silky smooth skin. Is always expensive? Ah, not really. The important thing is discipline and painstaking.
Well, what do Korean women to get a smooth face, following 8 smooth skin beauty secrets of Korean women.
Secrets 1: keep the skin moist
Keep the skin moist and provide proper nutrition of vitamins and do not have chemical drugs. Most of the women there are always disciplined in water consumed, put the menu of vegetables and fruits in daily diet to keep the skin and body to avoid dehydration. In addition, they also compress the face with cold water for a few minutes every day.
Secrets 2: Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing
Three steps must be taken every day. Three steps should also be done with discipline and there should be no word lazy or do not have time.
Cleansing: One of the steps taken by Suzy Bae in her face cleaning technique is 424. As quoted from stylecraze, Suzy cleansing using natural oils (such as coconut oil, almond or other cleansing oil mixture) and performed for 4 minutes.
This was followed by 2 minutes foaming cleanser (choose a soap free), then wash your face for 4 minutes, the first with warm water, and topped off with cold water to close the pores closed.
Toning: Korean women prefer to use a toner with the fingers of the hand and patted all over the skin of the toner optimally absorbed.
Moisturising: There is a special way of using moisturizer. First, moisturizer is poured into the palm of the hand. Rubbed until it feels warm then new average daubed all over your face with a gentle massage.
Secrets 3: Using a mask
We often see scenes of the women who were using masks in the movie Korea? So did their daily lives. They always give time to wear a mask MUST either instant or masks they made themselves from a mixture of egg white and honey.
In addition, they also use traditional natural mask is inherited to the next, called the mask baekgangjam. The mask is made from cocoons, and usefulness can whiten the skin naturally.
Secrets 4: The neck treatment
Neck also need to be treated, not only the skin only. Because if that were treated only the skin then the result will often be different stripes and colors. Facial skin care, applied to the skin at the neck.
5 secrets 5: Get enough sleep
Having a beautiful skin secret is it simply enough sleep. At least in a day you have to sleep 6-8 hours so maintain skin health.
Secrets 6: Choosing beauty products
Korean cosmetics lately quite popular in any country. There are a variety of cosmetics with
a variety of benefits offered. Roughly where they are wearing it? Apparently, in their daily life, women can use 10-20 Korean beauty products for skin care and maximize beauty. Hmmm ... you can imagine how much time is spent on just taking care of her skin. But be careful, because there are many fake products that use Korean names for a profit and abusing the many harmful ingredients in it.

Secret 7: Stretching Face
Common facial gymnastics practiced by Korean artists. By saying “ma me mi mo mu” for approximately 10 minutes, will help to train and stretch the muscles in the cheeks and lips. When the facial muscles relax, the blood circulation will flow more smoothly.

8 Secrets: Makeup simple
Korean women prefer a simple makeup with a color that is not too flashy and more. Generally they wore minimal makeup that improve the appearance of the eye by using eyeliner and mascara, use a gel for eyebrows, a little blush and lipstick or lip gloss on the lips.
It was not difficult to have smooth facial skin like Koreans. It's true that discipline and patience will determine success or failure, so, keep the spirit and diligent skin care yes, Ladies.

8 Secrets Skin Smooth Korean People Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

