October 4, 2013

Many ways to overcome acne and scars naturally

1.    Baby powder

Take about 1 tablespoon of baby powder, and add about half a tablespoon of water. Mix it up with makeup brush, and then apply. Leave overnight in the pimple, and about half an hour for the mask.

2.    Acne mask
Baking soda, lemon juice, tea tree oil and olive oil. Make a paste, and apply and clean. Rinse with cold water to close the pores. Do it once a week.

3.    Baking soda
Baking soda and milk can overcome the acne. Take a little baking soda and a little milk.
Then mix into semi-thick paste. It would be great if you have buttermilk. This perfect combination secret recipe is, lactic acid in milk is able to overcome the acne, as well as moisturize and reduce the effects of dry baking soda. Do it while in the bathroom, with only takes 3 minutes. Even this method is used to overcome the acne scars before bed. Only the right sprinkling of acne. Enjoy :)
4.    Baking soda and water
Place the baking soda and water in a bowl, then stir. And rub it on the pimples. Wait for half an hour. After that take a 
warm towel, and dab on acne. If this does not work, it is suggested that you put some water and salt in a bowl, wait for three minutes, then apply on pimples. Next prepare two cotton. Taking the first, and pressing hard for 10 seconds. Next to do that with another cotton. Hope this helps! Best wishes.
5.    Aspirin, and toothpaste
You can make a paste of aspirin and mix it with toothpaste. Apply and leave for
overnight. Truly extraordinary that it works to reduce the size of pimples. To reduce the redness you can use eye drops. Hope can help.

6.    Corn flour, tea and honey

To overcome your acne, use 1.5 teaspoons cornstarch, 1 teaspoon of honey. For anti-bacterial exfoliation is to use 1 teaspoon honey, 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar, and 2 tablespoons water. Actually works like a miracle!

Many ways to overcome acne and scars naturally Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

