1. Chin surgery (chinplant)
implants or chinplant, is now being asked by the women and men who are very
concerned with appearances. Chin plastic surgery is widely used for the reason
to form a chin on demand. Moreover, the operation can scrape the excess skin
and fatty tissue under the jaw. Due to the advantages that this operation is so
surgery procedure could take four hours to insert silicone implants to create a
strong jaw and a more assertive. After surgery, the patient will experience
swelling for two weeks before they would get maximum results.
to the U.S. plastic surgeons who are members of the American Society of Plastic
Surgeon, is an overall figure makeovers chin in men in 2011 in the United
States has almost reached 20 thousand patients. While as many as 10 thousand
women. Plastic surgery chin implants become the fastest growing in various
demographics. This phenomenon is triggered due to the increased use of video
chat technology in the workplace.
2. Operation palms Feet
When manufacturers of footwear for the hassle of looking for the model in order to secure its feet comfortable, now the trend is the opposite happened. Many people are desperate to repair the soles of the feet to fit the contours of high heels. Along with the development of fashion trends, the beauty industry offers a variety of procedures that many appearances legs look beautiful and charming. Fat injections in areas such as the soles of the feet or the soles of the feet downsizing, and some fingers reconstruction surgery in order to look more proportional in size.